“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition.” ~ Rudyard Kipling
Every rifleman and hunter knows the value of having a few extra rounds close at hand. It may mean the difference between a successful hunt and going hungry, between successfully charging your enemy’s trench or them charging yours. While it is not likely in this day and age that you will be “going over the top” with a bolt-action rifle to charge enemy trenches, it is still wise to carry some spare ammunition. This belt pouch fits the magazine for a CZ 527 in .223 or .300BLK and allows you to securely keep an extra five rounds on your belt while you’re out stalking game this hunting season!
“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition.” ~ Rudyard Kipling
Every rifleman and hunter knows the value of having a few extra rounds close at hand. It may mean the difference between a successful hunt and going hungry, between successfully charging your enemy’s trench or them charging yours. While it is not likely in this day and age that you will be “going over the top” with a bolt-action rifle to charge enemy trenches, it is still wise to carry some spare ammunition. This belt pouch fits the magazine for a CZ 527 in .223 or .300BLK and allows you to securely keep an extra five rounds on your belt while you’re out stalking game this hunting season!